报告主题:Product market competition, regulatory changes, ownership structure and accounting conservatism: Evidence from China
报告人:Muhammad Ansar Majeed 博士,浙江工商大学国际商学院
A large body of research has recognized that product market competition (PMC) affects management decisions like investment, cash holdings, financing decisions, cash distribution and IPOs. Previous studies suggest that competition may affect conservative reporting because management adopts market centred approach and formulates strategies to compete in an industry (strategic considerations view) or the effect of competition may be because of managerial opportunism (agency theory). However, political considerations (political cost hypothesis) or monopoly rent may also be the reason for the influence that competition exerts on conservative accounting choices. Motivated by these theoretical links between competition and conservatism, this study examines the association between competition and accounting conservatism in the wake of regulatory changes and changing ownership structures.
版权所有 ©2018 浙江工商大学 All Right Reserver. 技术支持:名冠电商
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